
Varicose veins can be treated with minimally invasive non-surgical techniques.

Obligation-Free Assessment

  • Our trained staff will assess you during the 30 minutes of your obligation-free first assessment.
  • Upon arrival, you will be asked to complete a medical/surgical history questionnaire, including your allergies and current medication.
  • In the consultation room, a thorough medical history and focused physical examination will be undertaken. 
  • You may be required to remove lower limb clothing, in order to visually assess the legs.
  • If appropriate symptoms are described but the refluxing veins are not visible, a brief ultrasound may be performed to assess the hidden veins for reflux.
  • Once the diagnosis of refluxing or varicose vein (or chronic venous insufficiency) is made, the disease and its implications will be discussed. 
  • Our professional staff will outline the process of dealing with the chronic venous insufficiency and the possible treatment options.
  • A formal mapping ultrasound appointment will be arranged to gain a detailed and thorough understanding of your individual disease extent, so that your treatment plan can be customised.
  • Financial considerations, including insurance details if appropriate, will be discussed.