What is the best treatment for varicose veins?
Vein Consultancy offers customised treatment plans based on your specific needs.
- Treatment can be non-interventional in the form of regular use of graduated compression stockings.
- Minimally invasive interventional procedures can be offered to achieve long-term control without the need for chronic stocking use.
- These aim to remove your refluxing or varicose veins from the circulation, using thermal (RFA) or chemical (UGS, Micro) processes.
- It is important to treat your bigger refluxing veins before managing your smaller refluxing veins to minimise future issues.
- Your superficial venous system of the lower limbs has enough capacity to cope with such changes.
- These treatments allow your functional veins to work appropriately and can reduce the chance of future issues.
- If long-haul travel (e.g. on an airplane) is planned, the minimally invasive treatment sessions are scheduled to be performed at least 1 week after and 3 weeks prior to any such travel dates.
Compression therapy
- Compression therapy utilises graduated compression stockings to apply external compression to your affected lower limb.
- These close down your refluxing veins and promote improved circulation by assisting the venous return.
- The graduated pressure of the stockings negates the effects of gravity.
- The strongest compression at the ankle level decreases as the material passes upwards to the knee and then to the upper thigh.
- Wearing these for most of the day may help to relieve your symptoms.
- Our certified fitting staff will recommend specific styles of compression stockings that are customised to meet your individual needs.
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
- RFA is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anaesthetic.
- It is suitable for fairly straight and bigger refluxing veins.
- Thermal (heat) energy will cause shrinkage of your refluxing or varicose veins.
- The procedure can take about 1 hour per lower limb.
- Compression stockings are worn full-time for 4 days.
- You will walk out of the treatment room after the stockings are in place.
- Symptom relief can occur after 2 days with a noticeable improvement in 1 to 2 weeks.
- It has a rapid recovery and lasting results.
- This procedure is usually performed at the initial treatment only.
Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (UGS)
- UGS is a minimally invasive treatment used for your smaller and tortuous veins.
- Under ultrasound guidance, sclerosing medication is injected into targeted refluxing veins.
- The medication irritates the lining of the vein, causing it to contract and scar down, so that it will be absorbed by your body over time.
- The appointment time is usually 30 minutes and can be up to 60 minutes if it is the initial treatment.
- Compression stockings are worn full-time for 3 weeks.
- You will walk out of the treatment room after the stockings are in place.
- It is the most commonly performed treatment on the follow-up consultations.
Microsclerotherapy (Micro)
- Micro is a minimally invasive treatment used for the smallest of refluxing veins, also known as spider veins.
- Under visual guidance, sclerosing medication is injected into the spider veins.
- The medication irritates the lining of the vein, causing it to contract and scar down, so that it will be absorbed by your body over time.
- The appointment can vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
- Compression stockings are worn full-time for 3 weeks.
- You will walk out of the treatment room after the stockings are in place.